Why do you serve at Caring Community?
I volunteer to give back to the church and to the community. As I volunteered for VBS I could see the joy and excitement on the kids' faces and being able to plant the seed about Jesus. When you volunteer, you’re there to fill a need. While on the cleaning team, though not glorious, there was a need I was able to fill. I love to serve because God has called me to serve in different areas at different times where I can give back.
How long have you been serving at Caring Community?
I started coming to CCC in 1994 and have served in many areas since then.
What area(s) do you serve in, or have you served in the past?
I am currently serving by teaching Financial Peace. I have served in many other areas: the Children’s Ministry, VBS, Cleaning Team, Fireworks, Pastoral Seach committee. I also served on the LBA.
What is something you would like to share to encourage others to volunteer?
We all have gifts that God has given us, look inside yourself and ask God, where do you want me to serve.
I have been an EMT & Volunteer Firefighter for over 30 years. God has called me and I have been blessed to serve in that area as well as volunteering here at CCC. You just must ask yourself where I can serve.
“Each of you should use the gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.” 1 Peter 4:10