Community Groups
Looking for great friendships? Curious about the Bible? Want to grow? Community groups are a great place to start. None of us knows it all, and none of us are perfect. These groups are a great place to meet authentic people who are also seeking answers.
Mixed Groups
Community Prayer & Praise
Thursdays, 10 AM at Caring Community
Join Pastors Tamar & Eric Eisenmann for 45 powerful minutes of praying to and praising God. If you can, stick around afterward to enjoy one another's friendship. No commitment needed, just come any Thursday you can. Little ones are welcome too.
Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Bible Study
Every-other Thursday, 11:15 AM at Caring Community
Led by Pastor Tamar, this group will learn how to apply biblical principles and remove obstacles to spiritual and emotional health. For more information on the Emotionally Healthy Spirituality course, click here.
Men's & Women's Bible Study
1st & 3rd Tuesdays, 7 PM in Homer
Led by Barb & Jerry Densmore, this group is like a relaxed family gathering. Come share a meal, laugh, pray, listen to and encourage one another. We'll study the Bible and figure out how it applies to us today. This group meets in Homer the first and third Tuesdays of every month. Contact the church office for the address.
Emotionally Healthy Spirituality Bible Study
Every-other Saturday, 6 PM in Spring Arbor
Dr. Reuben and Kathleen Rubio host this gathering in their home. Form fast friendships as we share life, support one another, & study how the Bible applies to life today. For more information on the Emotionally Healthy Spirituality course, click here. This group meets in Spring Arbor every-other Saturday. RSVP for dinner at 5 PM, or just show up for the group discussion at 6 PM. Click here for the schedule.
Minor Prophets Bible Study
Every-other Monday, 7-8 PM on Zoom
Led by Dr. Reuben Rubio, this group will study the Biblical books written by the minor prophets: Hosea-Malachi. Dr. Reuben Rubio leads this online gathering. Click here for more information.
Men's Groups
Experiencing God Young Men's Bible Study
Every-other Saturday, 9-10:30 AM
This classic Bible study teaches how to know and do the will of God. Led by Pastor Eric and Rev. Tom Burgett. Any young men who are interested can contact Pastor Eric or the church office.
Men's Accountability Group
1st & 3rd Tuesdays, 6:30 PM, online & in-person at Caring Community
Growing in Christ’s character requires accountability. Following John Wesley’s highly effective discipleship model, each meeting this group of 3-6 men will discuss four questions: 1. How is it with your soul? 2. What are your struggles and successes? 3. How might the Spirit and Scriptures be speaking in your life?
4. What miracles have you witnessed this week? Led by Tim Popoff, the group will meet in person or online & also read Scripture, encourage, & pray for one another.
Band of Brothers (B.O.B.)
1st Thursdays, 6:30 PM at Caring Community
Band of Brothers is a group of guys intentionally working to get a little bit better. We enjoy a tasty meal and grow stronger in our spiritual walk, in our careers, in our homes, and as leaders in and out of the church. We also regularly do service projects to benefit people in need.
Women's Groups
Emotionally Healthy Spirituality
Ladies' Bible Study
2nd & 4th Tuesdays, 6 PM at Caring Community
Study essential life principles from Scripture while building encouraging relationships with other women. Led by Sheryl Willerick and Robin Brigham. For more information on the Emotionally Healthy Spirituality course, click here.
Emotionally Healthy Spirituality
Ladies Sermon Discussion Group
Tuesdays, 7:30 PM in Homer
Led by Molly Riddle & Jess Wolverton, this group meets to discuss Pastor Tamar’s latest sermon, encourage, laugh & pray together. Didn't make it church last Sunday? Catch the sermon online or just show up! Come whatever Tuesdays you can make it. Contact the church office for the address. For more information on the Emotionally Healthy Spirituality course, click here​.
Caring ConnectSHEns
3rd Thursdays, 6 PM at Caring Community
Caring ConnectSHEns is a place for real women to share a meal and strengthen our relationships with Jesus and one another. We have devotionals, speakers, painting parties, movie nights, and more.